
ISO 4217 Code:AMD

User(s):Armenia and the de-facto independent Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Inflation:1.1% (Armenia only)

Source:The World Factbook, 2006 est.

Subunit:1/100 luma (?????)


Coins:10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 dram

Banknotes :1000, 5000, 10 000, 20 000, 50 000 dram

Central bank:Central Bank of Armenia


The dram (Armenian: ????) (ISO 4217: AMD) is the monetary unit of Armenia. It is subdivided into 100 luma (Armenian: ?????). The word "dram" translates into English as "money", and is cognate with the Greek drachma. The Central Bank of Armenia has the exclusive right of issuing the national currency according to Armenian Law.
For earlier Armenian currency, see Armenian ruble.

The first instance of a dram currency in Armenia was in the period from 1199 to 1375 when silver coins were called dram.

On 21 September 1991 a national referendum proclaimed Armenia as an independent republic from the Soviet Union. The Central Bank of Armenia was adopted on 27 March 1993, under the governorship of Isahak Isahakyan. However the old Soviet bank notes were standard tender until November 1993. The modern dram came into effect on 22 November 1993, at a rate of 200 rubles = 1 dram (1 USD: 14.5 AMD). Banknotes of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and, 500 dram were issued, whilst, on 21 January 1994, the Central Bank of Armenia began minting 10, 20, 50 luma and 1, 3, 5, 10 dram coins. The banknotes in nominal value 1000 and 5000 dram were put into circulation since October 24, 1994 and September 1995, respectively. Later a 20000 dram note was issued and a commemorative 50000 dram note was issued to observe the 1700-th anniversary of adoption of Christianity in Armenia. It should be noted that the Dram is not pegged to any other currency, unlike the currencies of many other nations.
Coins in circulation
10 Dram 20 Dram 50 Dram 100 Dram 200 Dram 500 Dram Banknotes
Banknotes in circulation
500 dram 1,000 dram 5,000 dram 10,000 dram 20,000 dram 50,000 dram
In addition, the following banknotes are no longer legal tender (since April 1, 2004), but may be exchanged at banks: 10 drams, 25 drams, 50 drams, 100 drams. The 1993 500-dram banknote has also ceased to be legal tender since September 1, 2005, but there is a 1999 500-dram banknote that is still in circulation.
911.html">Money Supply
Currency in circulation has shown steady growth since first issue in 1993.
Obverse Design: Armenian great composer Aram Khachatryan (1903-1978) and House of Opera

Reverse Design: An episode from "Gayaneh" ballet and mountain of Ararat

Obverse Design: Armenian astrophisic Victor Hambartsumyan (1908-1996) and depiction of space

Reverse Design: The Building of Byurakan observatory and telescope

Obverse Design: Armenian great architect Alexander Tamanyan (1878-1936)

Reverse Design: The House of the Government of the Republic of Armenia

Obverse Design: A portrait of an Armenian famous writer Yeghishe Charents

Reverse Design: A picture of old Yerevan - a two-storeyed building and a carriage harnessed by two horses

Obverse Design: Armenian great writer Hovhannes Tumanyan (1869-1923)

Reverse Design: M.Saryan's picture depicting nature of Lory.

Obverse Design: Armenian famous painter Martiros Saryan (1880-1972)

Reverse Design: A fragment from Saryan's landscape "Armenia"

Obverse Design: Depiction of Mother Cathedral of Holy Echmiadzin

Reverse Design: Armenian Church in the hands of Saint Gregory the illuminator and the king Tiridat the Great

Obverse Design: A portrait of an Armenian famous writer Yeghishe Charents

Reverse Design: A picture of old Yerevan - a two-storeyed building and a carriage harnessed by two horses

Obverse Design: Armenian great writer Hovhannes Tumanyan (1869-1923)

Reverse Design: M.Saryan's picture depicting nature of Lory.

Obverse Design: Armenian great writer Avetik Isahakyan (1875-1957)

Reverse Design: Depiction of Gyumri of the beginning of the 20th century


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